Finding reasons to smile (and documenting them) during the often chaotic whirlwind of everyday life.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

#9 Gardens and Komodo Dragons

So, I thought I would try out a garden this year. I've failed numerous times trying to grow vegetables in pots. This year I mean business. Rory built me two garden boxes and I planted everything I could think of. I wanted this to be a learning experience for the boys. Maybe if they grew their own vegetables, they might try them too... wishful thinking.  I am just praying that something, anything, grows for us. We actually had two beautiful strawberries growing. I couldn't wait to proudly feed them to the boys.... Until, the squirrels, or birds, devoured every last drop of them. Apparently, our super tough lizard didn't scare them away. I guess I should've opted for a full-size real Komodo Dragon.  The boys would actually enjoy that even more than the garden and I bet the squirrels would stay far away from our beautiful garden. Hmmm, maybe a Komodo Dragon will be our next pet!

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