Finding reasons to smile (and documenting them) during the often chaotic whirlwind of everyday life.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

#16 Human Eye Contrast Ratio

So, I learned something cool last night. Digital cameras can only see a contrast ratio of 250:1 while the human eye can see 2000:1. So, this means that "we can see a shadow that is 2000 times darker then the brightest light we can see." Our cameras can't see nearly the same range that we can see. Thank you to David Marr from Cole/Marr Photography Workshops for that cool piece of information! When you are trying to take a picture of a person in front of water and you expose for the water, the person will be dark, and if you expose for the person, the water will be too light.  So, then you have to make a decision about what's more important - the person or the water. Or, if you are super awesome, you use another method to trick the camera, like flash. Or better yet, David Marr jokingly said, "just leave the people out of the picture." That is what I chose to do on this sunny day so I could take a picture of the pretty clouds. 

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