Finding reasons to smile (and documenting them) during the often chaotic whirlwind of everyday life.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

#7 Robots Allowed in the Dragon Fortress

Hudson's preschool teachers were amazing this year. I loved their methods for teaching. One method was to have the kids label whatever they were playing with. It is a tricky way to get little boys to practice writing. I started the day out today by moving the living room chair aside and pushing the coffee table up against the couch. Let the construction (or destruction!) begin. Brennan built a "dinosaur fortress" and Hudson built a "dragon fortress."  They told me what to write and I wrote it for them. Next time, they are going to write it themselves (or at least Hudson will). I left their fortresses up all day (coffee table pushed aside and all). It was entertaining walking by and seeing the "robots allowed" sign on the "dragon fortress". They crack me up...

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