Finding reasons to smile (and documenting them) during the often chaotic whirlwind of everyday life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

#8 Turtles Can't Climb Trees

We have a Red Footed Tortoise named Tuck. As long as it is 70 or above we can take him outside for "walks" around the backyard. Contrary to what everyone believes, tortoises are FAST. That little tortoise can cover some ground! He usually makes a bee-line for a bush to hide as soon as I put him in the grass. I can't decide if he just loves hanging out in bushes or if he hates being outside. Either way, he needs the exercise to stay healthy. Today, he hung out in the tree and it seemed like he really wanted to climb the tree. I had to break it to him that turtles can't climb trees. Poor Tuck... I hope I didn't squash his adventurous spirit.


  1. Aww...THIS makes me smile! So glad that he is getting so much love and attention. :)

  2. I can't tell if he enjoys the attention or wants to run when he sees us ;) You guys still need to come over and see him to him sometime!
