Finding reasons to smile (and documenting them) during the often chaotic whirlwind of everyday life.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

#61 - 66 Early Morning Hell Pays Off

Wow, between my vacation and my hard drive crashing, I am not doing so hot on keeping up with this. Stupid hard drive. I've recently replaced my hard drive and my old drive sits helplessly in a drawer with all of my pictures from the last year... poor little, broken, lonely hard drive. So, I will attempt to catch up. I will still take 365 pictures; but at this point, they just might not be 365 days in a row :)

Hudson started kindergarten this week. That was hard for me. I was worried about this change for several reasons: Hudson is very sensitive and I wasn't sure how this change was going to affect him; Brennan is used to spending every minute with Hudson and sometimes doesn't know how to operate without him; We have never regularly had to be out of the house by 7:30; And, I wasn't sure how I was going to feel without having Hudson around every day. 

I am happy to say that this week went very well! Hudson had a few little bumps but is doing great!  It is amazing how fast they grow up during that first week of kindergarten. I already adore his teacher and have so much respect for her energy and enthusiasm. Kindergarten teachers have an exhausting job. I can't maintain the attention of one kindergartener, let alone 25 of them.  

Brennan is adjusting; although, he has been very grouchy this week. The change seems to be affecting Brennan the most. I am hoping he will learn to appreciate his alone time and make the most of time with Hudson (like, LESS fighting when they are together... fingers crossed!). 

Our morning routine so far has gone surprisingly well. My kids have always been early birds and during this first week of school I am appreciating that very much! We don't have too much morning grouchiness (although, the afternoons are another thing!).  So after putting up with the last 6 years of early morning hell, I am realizing what a great trait it really is. 

As for me... I have several friends whose kids started kindergarten last year. That affected me greatly because it was the start of it... the start of our kids growing up. I then spent the ENTIRE year thinking about how the change will affect me, Hudson, and our family. I began talking to Hudson about kindergarten long before it started, talking about how wonderful it was going to be. While that helped prepare Hudson, it also helped prepare me. I won't lie - it was sad. It marked the end of lazy mornings, going to the park when we felt like it with both boys, and those special mornings that I will forever be grateful that I got to spend with him. There is one thing I will never regret and that is being home with him. I've heard that once school starts, it flies by. So, here we go!

First day of school

After school on the second day

Brennan laughing at his friend crashing in the grass.

Brother time

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