Finding reasons to smile (and documenting them) during the often chaotic whirlwind of everyday life.

Monday, June 11, 2012

#6 Toys are Cool, PVC Pipe is Cooler

Rory, with Brennan's help, made a PVC pipe bike wash/sprinkler. The boys love it and it offers something a little more exciting than just a plain, old sprinkler. The projects you can do with PVC pipe are endless... playhouses, sprinklers, storage sheds. Seriously, I am thinking our next house will be built completely with PVC! Lucky for us, we have had so many major sprinkler issues that Rory is now an expert with the stuff! Thank you, Pinterest, for opening an obsession I would've never known that I had! And thank you, Rory, for making all of our PVC dreams come true. PVC obsessions aside, the boys enjoyed their new "toy."


  1. Make one a little larger and wash your car,,,Rory could start a new business. Make lots of $$$$$
